Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I know it has been over a month since I have written.  Horrible.

I do not have an excuse but rather an explanation.  Work at the International Rescue Committee has been busy.  From fixing fences, to setting up classrooms, finalizing excel attendence sheets, confirming adult and intfant/toddler enrollment at our first ever licensed childcare center, to creating videos, beautiful images and many memeries; my mind has been elsewhere, everywhere really.

I have thought about blogging several times.  Thought about announcing our passage of the licensing inspection and how we now have the first ever licensed facility at the IRC.  Thought about raving about how Pae Pae finally wrote her name in English and wrote it over and over and over again. Thought about telling the amazing story of Leh Ler Si Htoo and how he finally jumped into my arms for the first time and smiled.  Then I decided I would wait.  I said to myself, I will write about each highlight separately so I do not miss a detail.

Following this brief comeback blog entry I will update you on the past month via pictures.  Many pictures,  highlighting our progress and success over the last month!

It has been said that a picture says a thousand words, right?